Applications and Enrollment » Enroll at Hale for the 2025-26 School Year

Enroll at Hale for the 2025-26 School Year

Dear Prospective Hale  Parents,
LAUSD E-choices online system is open for applications for the 2025-26 School year.  The on-time application window is open until November 17th at Midnight.  If you are interested in applying to one of our Magnet programs (VAPA or STEAM) or are not in our resident area and would also like to apply for our affiliated Charter program,  please make sure to submit an application(s) through the LAUSD E-choices website ASAP.
Unified Enrollment provides the opportunity to apply for several LAUSD programs, including Magnet, PWT, Multilingual Multicultural Program, SAS, ACS, and Affiliated Charter
Thank you,
Claudia Perez
Assistant Principal
Hale Charter Academy
Dear Prospective Hale Parents,
Great news!!  The LAUSD is making it much easier for parents to enroll their children in our school.  Starting with the 2025-26 school year, all continuing enrollment within LAUSD (any student currently enrolled in an LAUSD school) will automatically be enrolled into their accepted Magnet, Affiliated Charter, and Resident school program (if enrolled before June 30th) but will just need to fill out a condensed enrollment packet and bring in updated Immunization forms  for their incoming students.  Please see the attached packets that can be printed, filled out and returned in person. (No emails of packets will be accepted).  If you cannot printout out the packet, you can pick one up in the Hale Attendance office during business hours.  Enrollments after the date of June 30th will need to be processed by hand and all standard school enrollment forms will need to be completed.
Any student coming from Private School, Independent Charter school, or out of district ( students out side of LAUSD boundaries) will have to enroll and provide all the proper documentation listed at the bottom of the page. We will begin collecting enrollment forms from new LAUSD students on March 24, 2024 between the hours of  9:00 AM and 2:30 PM by appointment.  Please see the make your appointment using the google form below:
Documents that will need to be provided by all students regardless:
IEP and 504 plans:  Parents of all students with an IEP or a 504 plan,  please provide a hard copy of the document to the Attendance office for review.  The Attendance office will begin collecting hard copies of the IEP and 504 documents on, April 1, 2025 between the hours of 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM.
Immunization forms:  Parents,  please be prepared to bring in an updated immunization form for your child if requested by the nurse or if you know that your just received a new immunization and it was not recorded in the elementary school.  Please see the following link for K-12 California Immunization requirements:
Enrolling Students (Out of District, Independent Charter, Private School, or any student after June 30th)
When enrolling your child at Hale after June 30th or not a continuing LAUSD student, please bring the following documentation: 
                             1.    Proof of residence:   Acceptable documents (one of the following): DWP or Gas bill (Preferred document), property tax payment receipts, rental lease agreement, official government mail, current pay stub, voter registration.
                             2.  Proof of Student's age/identity:   Acceptable documents (one of the following): birth certificate (Preferred document)*, baptismal certificate, passport, court order health office/vital statistics record of birth certificate, dated Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) letter verifying birthdate and an explanation of how this was verified*Please bring original birth certificate with your verification documents.
                            3 Identity Verification of Parent/Guardian/Educational Rights Holder/Caregiver (“parent”):   Acceptable documents (One of the following):  adult’s government-issued photo identification (driver’s license, department of motor vehicle identification card), Green Card, Passport (USA or Foreign) or any other Government issued ID card (USA or Foreign).
                            4.   Immunization Records (Recent Hard Copy):   Please make sure to have a copy of your most recent immunization record.      We will not accept an enrollment application without this document which contains all updated information.  Please see attached LAUSD Immunizations requirements for enrollment to LAUSD Schools.
                           5.    Special Education/IEP:   If your child has an IEP, please bring a copy to hand in with the enrollment packet.
                           6.      504 Plan: If your child has a 504 Plan, please bring a copy to hand in with the enrollment packet.