Dean's Office

Hale Charter Academy follows the Los Angeles Unified School District's Discipline Foundation Policy which is framed around Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) and Restorative Justice behavior intervention and reflection practices.
Students are expected to live "Above the Line" at Hale and maintain good citizenship at all times.  There is no tolerance for fighting, bullying and disrespectful behavior.  Students may be referred to the Dean, Counselor or Administrator when intervention, guidance and assistance is needed. 

Attached: LAUSD's policy on Bullying and Hazing, school policies on cell phones, and the dress code.
At Hale, we remind our students, teachers and parents:
If you see something, say something. 
Please report any issues to an adult at Hale as soon as you are aware of them. Early reporting results in a safer campus. 

The LAUSD Discipline Foundation Policy is a set of guidelines established by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to promote positive behavior and prevent problem behavior in schools. The policy emphasizes the use of proactive, positive approaches to discipline that are focused on teaching and reinforcing appropriate behavior, rather than simply punishing negative behavior.

The LAUSD Discipline Foundation Policy is based on six core principles:

  1. Prevention: Schools should be proactive in preventing negative behavior through the use of clear behavioral expectations, positive behavioral supports, and early intervention.
  2. Teaching: Students should be taught appropriate behavior and provided with opportunities to practice and reinforce those behaviors.
  3. Positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement should be used to encourage and reinforce appropriate behavior, rather than relying solely on punishment for negative behavior.
  4. Fairness: Discipline should be applied fairly and consistently, and should take into account the individual needs and circumstances of each student.
  5. Restorative practices: When negative behavior does occur, restorative practices should be used to address the harm caused and help students learn from their mistakes.
  6. Equity: Discipline policies and practices should be designed to promote equity and reduce the disproportionate impact of negative discipline on students from historically marginalized groups.

Overall, the LAUSD Discipline Foundation Policy emphasizes the importance of creating a positive and supportive school climate that promotes student success and well-being, while also addressing problem behavior in a fair and effective manner.


Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which individuals develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is an educational approach that recognizes the importance of emotional and social development in achieving academic and life success. It involves teaching and practicing social and emotional competencies in a deliberate and intentional way, with the goal of helping individuals develop a healthy sense of self and positive relationships with others. SEL can be taught in a variety of settings, including classrooms, after-school programs, and community organizations, and can benefit learners of all ages and backgrounds.


Best practices for enhancing social-emotional learning include:

  1. Creating a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes positive relationships between students and teachers.
  2. Teaching students self-awareness and self-management skills, such as identifying and regulating emotions and managing stress.
  3. Fostering responsible decision-making skills by encouraging students to think critically and consider the impact of their actions on others.
  4. Encouraging students to build positive relationships with others and to communicate effectively.
  5. Providing opportunities for students to practice social-emotional skills through role-playing, group activities, and other interactive strategies.


PBIS stands for "Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports." It is a systems-level approach to promoting positive behavior and preventing problem behavior in schools. PBIS is based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and involves the use of evidence-based practices to create a positive and supportive school climate that promotes academic and social-emotional success for all students.


PBIS is typically implemented across the entire school, and involves establishing clear behavioral expectations, teaching those expectations to all students, providing positive feedback and recognition for appropriate behavior, and implementing a range of interventions to address problem behavior. These interventions are tailored to meet the needs of individual students and may include individualized behavior plans, targeted social-emotional supports, and academic interventions. The ultimate goal of PBIS is to create a safe and supportive learning environment in which all students can thrive.



What issues should you discuss with your middle school student?


1. Peer pressure: Middle school students are often under pressure to fit in with their peers, which can lead them to engage in risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or experimenting with drugs. Parents should talk to their children about the importance of making their own decisions and resisting peer pressure. They should help their children develop healthy relationships with peers who have positive values and avoid those who may encourage them to make bad decisions. Additionally, parents should discuss the potential consequences of engaging in risky behaviors, including legal problems and negative health outcomes. It is also important to discuss peer pressure related to sexual activity, and remind children to respect their own and others' boundaries and decisions.


2. Bullying: Bullying is a serious issue that can have long-term effects on a child's mental health and wellbeing. Parents should talk to their children about bullying and how to identify it, both as a victim and bystander. They should also encourage their children to speak up if they witness bullying or experience it themselves, and provide them with strategies to manage and cope with bullying. It's important to note that bullying can also occur online, and parents should talk to their children about online safety and appropriate behavior online.


3. Internet safety: With the increasing use of technology, children are spending more time online, which can put them at risk of cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and online predators. Parents should talk to their children about online safety and set clear rules about internet usage, including what websites are allowed and how much time they can spend online. Parents should also teach their children about online privacy and the importance of never sharing personal information online. Additionally, parents should discuss the potential risks of engaging in sexually explicit behavior online, such as sexting, and provide guidance on how to safely navigate these situations.
4. Substance abuse: Middle school children may be exposed to drugs, alcohol, and other substances, which can have negative effects on their health and future. Parents should have an open and honest conversation with their children about the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of making healthy choices. They should also discuss the consequences of drug and alcohol use, including legal problems, addiction, and negative health outcomes. Additionally, it is important to discuss the risks associated with sexual activity under the influence of drugs or alcohol, such as the increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unwanted pregnancy.
5. Academic pressure: Middle school can be a time when children feel academic pressure to perform well. Parents should encourage their children to do their best, but also remind them that their worth is not defined by their grades. They should discuss healthy ways to manage stress and avoid burnout, such as getting enough sleep, taking breaks, and engaging in physical activity. Additionally, parents should support their children in pursuing their interests and passions outside of academics. Finally, it is important to discuss the potential risks of engaging in sexual activity, including unwanted pregnancy and STIs, and emphasize the importance of making informed and responsible decisions.


At Hale, we remind our students, teachers and parents:
If you see something, say something. 
Please report any issues to an adult at Hale as soon as you are aware of them. Early reporting results in a safer campus.
Above is a link to our anonymous reporting form.