Positive COVID Test?

What happens if an employee or student tests positive on the at-home rapid self-test?

If you receive a positive result on an at-home test, please upload a photo of the test result as soon as possible onto the Daily Pass with your full legal name, date of birth and test date, handwritten on the test or a separate piece of paper. The Community Engagement team will review this test and approve or deny it within 24-48 hours. Positive individuals should follow isolation protocols: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/ncorona2019/covidisolation/

In Los Angeles County, if you have COVID-19 * you are required to: . Isolate yourself, and; Wear a highly protective mask, and; Tell your close contacts that they have been exposed and need to follow instructions for close contacts * You are considered to have COVID-19, if you have a positive viral test for COVID-19 and/or a healthcare provider thinks that you have COVID-19.

Note that the day you took the rapid test is "Day 0" of your isolation period. You can get cleared to return to school or work as early as Day 6, if you test negative on a rapid antigen test taken on or after Day 5 and do not have symptoms. If you test positive on the follow-up rapid test, you must remain in isolation for 10 full days after the initial test.

You will be exempt from testing at school for 90 days after the initial positive test result.